
Our Chinese New Year Gift Sets Are Here!

Our Chinese New Year Gift Sets Are Here!

We know, we know, January is bleak. There seems little reason to do anything other than hibernate. And yet, like the positive little rays of sunshine we are at Drinks by the Dram, we’ve found a very good reason. And it involves rats and drams (which doesn't sound like the most appealing proposition, but bear with us.)

On January 25th, Chinese New Year, or The Year of the Rat officially begins, and in celebration we’ve collaborated with That Boutique-y Whisky Company to bring you two delightful dram-filled gift sets.

First up is the 12 Dram Gift Set, which, you guessed it - contains 12 of Boutique-y Whisky’s finest drams. Inside you’ll find the likes of Aberfeldy 21 Year Old, Bowmore 27 Year Old, Islay #2 25 Year Old, Batch 1 and a whole host of other delights.

Next is the Chinese New Year Tasting Set, where you’ll discover another five Boutique-y drams with the likes of Macduff 10 Year Old and Cameronbridge 27 Year Old, Batch 3 in the mix.

Fancy celebrating something else? It’s also Burns Night on January 25th, and if there was ever an excuse to have a wee dram or several, this is it. We have tonnes of tasting sets containing the finest Scotch whiskies, so whether you fancy sampling sherried delights or are looking for a peatier selection, we have a whole host of sets to enjoy.